Ball Modification to Increase Student Interest in Volleyball Learning

  • Diela Rizkia Aniendita SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang
Keywords: learning media, modification, volleyball


This study aims to determine the impact of learning media in the form of volleyball modifications on increasing students' interest in learning. The research method used is classroom action research which consists of 3 cycles. Participants or research samples in this study were students of class X 3 SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang which consisted of 36 students. The research instrument used to obtain research results is an interest questionnaire instrument. Analysis of the data used is statistical descriptive with simple percentage. The results of the study showed that the results of the pre-cycle of student interest were 50.16 or the "low" category, the results of the first cycle showed that the student's interest was 58.83 or the "medium" category. In the second cycle the student's interest was 82.8 or categorized as "high", and in the third cycle the student's interest value was 85.7 which was in the "very high" category, so it can be concluded that the modification of volleyball has an impact on increasing students' interest in learning soccer. volleyball.
